CBA Business Solutions are here to provide a comprehensive range of services to advise and support Company Directors, owners and their businesses at any point during the business life cycle.
Starting right at the beginning we assist start ups and young businesses, in addition to advising already successful businesses on exit strategies and solvent Liquidations.
Our spectrum of services continues through turnaround and recovery advice including formal rescue processes and refinancing, all the way to the closure of the business and assistance with Liquidations and Administrations.
Our free initial assessment will decipher a range of solutions available to you and your business and we will work with you to ensure you are back in control in no time.
Members Voluntary Liquidation (Solvent Liquidation)
Finance Options
Turnaround/ Rescue Advice
Creditors Voluntary Liquidation (Insolvent Liquidation)
Compulsory Liquidation
Company Voluntary Arrangements
Creditor Negotiations
Director Advice
So if you have any questions regarding company liquidation Leicester or for specific advice relevant to your circumstances contact us for a free consultation, without obligation.